This is Allegro, aptly named by my son for his liveliness, who came to live with us ten years ago, a gift for my 45th birthday. The perfect gift, as we grieved the death of another dear old kitty, Spike.
A quirky and complex creature who inspired a lot of laughter and also exasperation, Allegro was always intense in his need for connection, preferring to be in my arms or on my shoulder at all times.
Like me, Allegro had asthma though, unlike me, his attacks often took a dire turn and required a trip to the veterinary ER. His was an intense of too-short life, during which he was loved intensely. My heart aches at the loss of him.
He often slept on top of my body, especially when I was ill. I always believed he was healing me then, with his purrs, perhaps giving me some of this own life energy when I needed it most.
May the healing energy he carried and shared so generously with me, rise up and remind us of his gentle, beautiful spirit in all the days to come.
Thank you, dear Allegro, for all the ways you have blessed our family.